opening a store in the Terms and conditions 2024

I receive many messages saying, “ I want to know the conditions for opening a store in the”
This is because e-commerce has become popular and leading in our current era and is one of the profitable sources of income. Many people strive to enter and access it, and to access professional e-stores for their businesses. The platform appeared several years ago to sit on the throne of e-store sites; Therefore, in this article, we will mention everything related to the platform, what is the platform?, its features, what are the conditions for opening a store on and how to register with detailed steps.
What is platform?
The platform is a platform through which you can create an online store and it helps you start your e-commerce. It is one of the famous platforms in Saudi Arabia for e-commerce and was first created in 2016. This platform has become one of the well-known platforms and deals with 13 thousand customers per month, and more than 20 million sales are made, and it brings in approximately 5 billion Saudi riyals.
The platform is an Arab platform that serves the Arab market and is currently active in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia only. The platform is also distinguished by the fact that it offers different packages at different prices, and it also offers a free package, so that the user can choose the package that suits him and serves his business activity. Some consider it the best e-store design company; The reason for this is its many advantages, which we will mention in the next paragraph.
Features of platform
One of the reasons for the popularity of the platform and its continuity in the Saudi market until now is the many advantages it provides to its users, and we will mention these advantages in detail and clearly:
- The platform is distinguished by the fact that it does not take commissions on the products sold, which helps reduce the percentage of expenses that the merchant takes into account.
- platform offers various free packages, Pro, and Plus, at prices that suit everyone, so that it is easy for everyone to find what suits them and be able to take the step without financial obstacles.
- The performance of the platform is fast and good and provides a smooth and easy experience for the user, and this is one of the most important things that the user needs in his online store.
- When uploading products to the platform, it does not take a lot of time or lengthy reviews until the product is uploaded. The platform uploads products quickly and simply.
- If you are just starting out, the platform provides easy and convenient transactions for beginners without many complications or obstacles.
- The platform accepts an unlimited number of products and does not set specific monthly or annual limits. You can upload the number of products you need, and this helps in achieving greater sales due to the ability to publish many products on a daily or weekly basis without limits. What is special is that this feature is not only available in the paid versions, but it is also available in the free version.
- The platform is completely secure and protects your customer data, and all detailed data related to products or related to your business in general, such as sales, numbers, performance and analysis. The platform makes this data and information confidential and no one but you can view it, and this is a great strength of the website.
- There is a special application for the website, which makes it easy for you to follow everything through your phone, and there is also the advantage that you can create a special application for your store, but at additional costs.
- The platform provides multiple payment methods (Visa, Apple Pay, MasterCard, PayPal, Stc Pay), and many payment methods that suit all people.
- The platform helps beginners understand all the details of the platform through an educational guide that explains everything related to the platform, how to use it, register on it, and how to create an online store. All of this helps beginners take the first step quickly and easily.
- The platform provides multiple options in shipping and delivery companies, and this is almost a problem for some people at the beginning of their journey in e-commerce; therefore, the platform solved this problem to break this obstacle.
- You can link the platform to different social media sites, which makes it easier for you to create ads and transfer customer data and their requests to the store in an easier and smoother way.
Terms and conditions for opening a store on
In order to be able to create an online store on, you must know that there are some necessary conditions to take this step, and in this paragraph we will explain the conditions for opening a store on and how to ensure that everything is in its right place:
- The merchant must agree to the terms and conditions of sale, which you can view in full on the official website of
- It is necessary that the email is active and the phone number is working, because during registration and opening the store, the email and phone number will be requested and codes will be sent to verify the email and phone; therefore, it is necessary that the email and phone are working.
- The merchant must be aware that the platform is not responsible for any losses incurred by the merchant, and that the merchant has no right to request compensation from the platform.
- The products to be displayed must not violate the societal standards of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and must not violate Islamic standards.
- Having a commercial register is one of the important conditions for opening a store on You must ensure that the merchant’s commercial register is present before taking the step of opening an online store on the platform.
- One of the mandatory things to complete the store creation process is the merchant’s personal identity, which must be valid and correct.
- Existence of licenses related to the products If the products require licenses, all required licenses must be prepared before opening the store.
- Enter your shipping and return policies.
Read also: Factors for the success of e-commerce sites
Steps to register on the platform
After knowing all the conditions for opening a store on and knowing everything related to it, you must know what steps you need to register on and create an online store. Registration on is easy and simple and there are no obstacles in it. In this paragraph, we will explain the registration steps in detail:
Step 1: Go to the official website, and click on “Create your store for free.”
Step 2: Fill in the data consisting of name, phone number, email and password.
Step 3: Confirm the phone number using the code that the site will send to you to make sure that this is your phone number and that it works.
Step 4: You will then be taken to the Get to Know You page, where you will be asked if you have experience in trading, and if you have a product or service ready to sell.
Step 5: You will answer some additional questions such as your store’s readiness, your store information, store logo, store name, business activity, entity type, and everything related to your store. You must answer all the required questions to get a more accurate experience.
You should know that so far the platform is only activated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and is not activated in any other country; therefore, you may find a message that the service is not currently activated in your country, but they will contact you when it is activated in your region.
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