12 Secrets to Writing SEO Friendly Articles to Top Search Engines

You want to write an SEO Friendly Articles so that you can rank high in search engines and get thousands of visitors daily. It is extremely simple and everything is good to go with it. You should simply understand that you are composing an article coordinated to the guest and furthermore to the web crawlers. It is like being a pilot of an airplane who needs wings to complete your journey. Unfortunately, if you neglect one of the wings, do not look for your site to rank high in search engines. Unfortunately, follow the most important steps with us and see the difference in the increase in the number of your visits.
Secrets to Writing SEO Friendly Articles
In the present computerized showcasing world, web crawlers like Google have become vital apparatuses in drawing in guests to sites. With the rising rivalry on web search tools, the requirement for an article to follow Web optimization guidelines has become fundamental. Web articles have become significant in computerized promoting procedures, as they are a successful method for speaking with the main interest group.
Important composing a Website design enhancement cordial article isn’t simply an issue of composing, yet rather a mind boggling process that requires the essayist to follow a total system pointed toward working on the article’s exhibition in query items. In this article, we will find 12 significant mysteries that will assist you with composing an article that seeks the top situations in query items. Together, we will investigate how to utilize catchphrases, further develop phrasing, and coordinate substance, with the goal that your article becomes famous substance on search stages.
With Website design enhancement, you can transform your article into a compelling promoting apparatus that draws in guests to your webpage and expands the possibilities accomplishing your advertising objectives. This article is your exhaustive manual for further developing your site’s website streamlining, so if you need to turn into a specialist recorded as a hard copy Web optimization cordial articles, continue to peruse to realize every one of the fundamental mysteries.
The first secret: What do you want to talk about?!
Do not start writing any article without knowing the main ideas of the article you will talk about or the keyword you will target. Your main idea may be written on paper or in your head, there is no problem with that. The important thing is that you have an initial idea of the major ideas you will talk about.
Do not start writing your article relying 100% on watching other people’s ideas and presenting them in your article, as this is the path to early failure. Always make sure to be a unique model of your kind and remember that the visitor is smart and the search engine is genius. Remember that to write an article compatible with SEO, you must have information in this field that is 70% greater than your visitors.
Secret 2: Don’t start with the introduction.
The introduction is the first sentence that the reader’s eye falls on, but in order to write an SEO-friendly article, the introduction is the last sentence that you write after you have gathered all your ideas and the main and sub-paragraphs in your article.
For example: Imagine that a person told his wife and son that he would take them on a picnic at the end of the day, but when the time came he apologized to them because he was pressed for time and promised to postpone the picnic until a later time. Two things could happen: First, his son’s trust would be lost because he did not do what he said, and second, he would go to visit his wife’s family at the end of the day because his wife was angry with him as a cheating, deceitful husband.
To write an SEO-friendly article, reverse the situation and make your introduction at the end and comprehensive of everything in the article, extract your ideas from all the paragraphs and put a summary of the article at the beginning.
Secret 3: Put all your headlines at once.
You will talk about the economy and have an explanation of the best countries in terms of budget, well put each main paragraph separately (USA budget, China budget, Russia budget) in the form of h2, and make branches for each main header such as h3 or h4 and decide what you want to write about and then start writing your paragraphs, all these are steps to write an article compatible with SEO that makes ranking possible.
Secret 4: Ideas for writing an SEO-friendly article
By sources here we do not mean the content of your article or the keyword, but rather main ideas through which you can find the best main and sub-ideas for your article, such as the following sources:
- 1- From Google search, extract the best ideas that the visitor is searching for and that are related to your topic.
Suppose you want to talk about bicycles but you don’t know where to get ideas for this topic, well type the word you are looking for in Google search and see the results at the end and write what matches it in your article, and remember that writing an article compatible with SEO is very easy if you want to respect the visitor
You can put some related searches in your article and you can mention some people who contributed to the development of bicycles.
- 2- Keyword extraction sites may sometimes be useful when writing an SEO-friendly article.
Examples of these sites are kwfinder , uber suggest , google key word planner .
Choose some of these elements and include them in your article.
If you want to get the best possible rate, choose the questions that the public is searching for through the Answer the Public website.
Note: The site provides its services in languages other than Arabic. If your article is in Arabic, try to extract the best meaning close to what the visitor is searching for and add it to your article.
You can add multiple questions in your article to appear in Google’s rich snippets suggestions.
It is also important to write an SEO-friendly article that the keyword is distributed appropriately throughout the article and is present in the following places:
- 1- In the main title and the title length should not exceed 60 characters.
- 2- In the introduction to the article, preferably in your first line.
- 3- In the subheadings (h2 – h2 – h3) and that your keyword is repeated within the same paragraphs.
- 4- In the permanent link or slug, you are free to have it in Arabic or English, but we prefer it to be in English, and of course we translate the keyword and put it in the article.
- 4- In the alt image or in the alternative text inside the images.
- 5- In the meta description or excerpted text.
Secret 5: Don’t make any spelling or grammatical mistakes in your article.
Search engines rely on huge data stored in them, and among this data is linguistic vocabulary. They can differentiate between the good and the bad content with ease. Of course, you will not be at the top if you make many spelling and grammatical errors in the article. Among the most important mistakes that some people make are:
- – Not distinguishing between the letter ha and the ta marbuta at the end of the sentence (if you are confused, pronounce the word with the ta marbuta and if it is correct then it is a ta marbuta and if you do not pronounce it correctly then it is a ha).
- – Not differentiating between the letter Ya and the letter Alif Maqsura, such as (ala and Ali)
- The correct tanween is on the letter before the tanween letter and not on the letter itself, as an example of the correct way (going, friend).
- Punctuation marks are attached to what comes before them and spaced out from what comes after them.
Writing an SEO-friendly article is very simple and logical. If you want help writing the article correctly, you can add an extension that corrects your spelling errors directly on your browser, whether it is Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Secret 6: Make sure to increase the synonyms of your keyword as much as possible.
Are you talking about tourism?! Then mention travel, flights, ships, monuments, medical and educational tourism, talk about train stations, sea vessels and whatever might interest a tourist. Just try to put yourself in his place and put in your article all the ideas that might come to the visitor’s mind.
It is also important that all your vocabulary is compatible with phrases that the visitor might search for, such as summarizing your information in the form of a question and answer or in the form of clear paragraphs. Always remember that the visitor is looking for only one thing, but in fact he is very interested in reading about everything. The best article compatible with SEO is not the longest article, but rather the article that contains the most interconnected ideas, and the number is not important compared to the value.
Secret 7: Post royalty-free images.
If you want to write an SEO-friendly article, focus on the following:
- 1- Add photos you have made:
Through design programs such as Photoshop or the Canva website , put your logo on it. It is good that the dimensions of the displayed image are 1200 width x 628 height. If you cannot add an image on a daily basis, you can use images that do not have copyrights such as Unsplash , Pixels , or Freepik .
- 2- The secret is in the infographic:
The best image to put in your article is the one that the reader stops at the longest possible time, for two reasons: the first is that you will make the visitor stay as long as possible, and the second is that you will make it very easy for the visitor to stick to your site, because infographics and mind maps stick in the memory 4 times more than words and texts. There are also sites that create infographics for free, such as easel , venngage , piktochart , visme , and infogram. Most of these sites offer free services and have paid plans as well.
- 3- Video clips:
You can embed videos from YouTube even if you are not the channel owner. The mutual SHARE between YouTube and your site is a good thing and there is no problem with it at all.
It is important to write an SEO-friendly article to make the name of the image while it is on the desktop like the name of the keyword and also to put the keyword in the alternative text or in the alt image if you are using the WordPress platform and if you are not using it, ask the programmer to add it and write a distinctive description about the image and the more distinctive your image is, the more visits you will get through it.
The eighth secret: Internal linking is the most important secret of success.
What do we mean by INTERNAL LINK?! Let’s simplify it further and give some examples of that.
What is between the rooms in your house and how do you get from one room to another? Of course it would be the living room for example, well if there is no living room and all that is in your house is just several very beautiful rooms is that good for you or your guests or will you be in a big prison?
The matter is similar on your site as well, do not put the visitor in one article and then close the door to your site and make other suggested articles or other models on your site that he can read about, you can do that with professional steps such as the words (read also, to delve into knowledge read the following article)
It is also important to know that any SEO-friendly article must have some internal links, the goal of which is to add the most valuable content to the visitor and keep him there for the longest possible time, but there are multiple ways of internal linking that we have previously talked about in other articles, and they are simply as follows:
- 1- Chain connection method:
A simple method followed by most new bloggers. We will put a link to article 53 in article 52, which had a link to article number 51. This is very easy if all your topics are similar or if you are talking about a site that talks about a very small field (micr onich).
- 2- Cross-linking:
Topic No. 100 places a link to Topic No. 99, and Topic 99 has a link to Topic No. 100. It is not that easy. If these topics are located within one section within the site, they must also be linked to similar topics in other sections. The link can be made three-way, where we add Topic No. 101 from the other section within this topic. You need a large file in which you write all the linking data that you have placed on the site.
- 3- Ascending link:
You have 100 products on your site that you want to market, but in reality you get a profit of $150 from marketing products No. 50, 87, and 12, and the profit of the other products is small for you and almost negligible. Do you think it is better to focus on the 97 products and leave the three most important products, or start with the most important?
Of course, focusing on the three products is the best, and this strategy is the best for you. Divide all 97 products into three equal sections (32, 32, 33) and cross-link them and make all products linked to one of the three products, i.e. make there 33 products that refer to one of the three products. This is a successful strategy and is recommended by senior SEO specialists.
Remember that writing an SEO-friendly article means taking care of your site’s most important guests (visitors – search engine bots).
Secret 9: External linking is absolutely indispensable.
The first steps in writing an SEO-friendly article are to pay attention to external links from your site that point to articles on other sites. You can call them external sources or related articles, no problem, and stay away from harmful external links . It is important not to make search engines think that you are talking about a topic that no one is searching for except you on this planet.
Always try to tell them about articles that provide content close to your site. Of course, do not make this source your direct competitor. It could be Wikipedia or sites in a language other than yours, for example. Writing an SEO-friendly article is very simple, but it requires an understanding of the content and not memorizing the steps.
Secret 10: The article title is the secret to increasing the click-through rate on your site
Suppose you wrote an article about Forex and your website’s search engine impressions for this word were 100,000 but the click through rate was about 1%, meaning that all you get is only 1,000 visitors, and you lose many visitors to your competitors. The matter in your article title is similar to the banners on the front of stores. Have you ever seen a store that puts poor quality merchandise in its banner?
Have you ever seen an exhibition that puts expensive merchandise? Of course, no one does that. Many people have the impression that all stores put their best in the banner that appears. The same is true for visitors. If your title is bad or unattractive, you will not get good visits. Always remember to put your keyword in the article title.
Ways to increase your CTR for writing an SEO friendly article.
- 1- Add several numbers such as (7 benefits of Forex trading – 5 ways to invest in digital currencies) and of course do not write the numbers in writing (seven – eight)
- 2- Add percentages in your main title.
- 3- Add some suspense words (urgent, top secrets, sudden shock), of course, all according to your skill as a writer.
Secret 11: Make the excerpt or meta description targeted and comprehensive:
If someone searches for the best company to buy real estate, include news about real estate prices, reviews of companies, which companies have the largest market share, whether there are after-sales services or not, talk about installment options, and also which companies sell villas, and does one of the companies own residential units in residential complexes (compounds) or is it just scattered apartments?!
Include all this information briefly in the excerpted text, but be careful not to mislead the visitor with information you do not have, the matter is simply that he will become a negative visitor who quickly flees from your site to the sites of competitors, and over time you will find that your site is heading towards the abyss. You must be aware of all these skills in order to write an article compatible with SEO.
Secret 12: Review your essay again.
Do you really want to write an SEO friendly article or just an article that will one day be forgotten? Well if your answer is the first, simply read your article again and you will see many notes, mistakes or improvements that will make your article something better.
The final secret to writing an SEO-friendly article: get some feedback from your friends.
Of course you have many friends or people interested in reading some data or news about your field, there is no problem in sending them the link to the article and be sure to listen to their opinions, they often see what you do not see or think a little differently from you, do you think it is an unimportant or weak step ?! I am sorry to tell you that many sites pay an amount of about $ 10 to read one of their articles and make many comments on it
it is the only thing that will make them know the quality of the article or description of your product, and remember how many times you were searching for something and found a very bad article and did not answer your question and is still continuing until this moment, be sure that writing an article compatible with SEO is very fun but it needs understanding more than illogical memorization.
With this we have reached the end of our article, if you find any comments about the way it is written please write them in the comments and you will get $1 for every piece of advice you provide, and we hope that we do not pay too much